Monday, November 5, 2012

[1] Introduction to This Blog

I used to be a C/C++/C# programmer for several years, and I began to learn Python in the Jan. of 2012. I started from the book <Learning Python>, with about 1200 pages. It is time-consuming, and a little bit tedious to read this book. Because I have been a programmer for many years and I am familiar with many concepts, such as what functions and classes are, I do not need a book with too much details.
Python is not their first programming language for many programmers. When they start to learn Python with understanding of other programming languages, it may be more helpful to tell them what the main differences between Python and others like C or C++ or Java. It will save their lots of time if they skip the similarities and just focus on the differences. 
That's the purpose of this blog: Focusing on the differences between Python and other common programming languages.
I'm going to cover the following topics:
  • Execution flow: if/elif/else and for/while loops.
  • Types: numbers, strings, lists, tuples, maps, dictionaries, files. Iterator will also covered in this section.
  • Functions: functions, including lambda and yield. The frequently used built-in functions will also discussed here.
  • Classes: class definition and usage.
  • Modules: including the most frequently used modules, such as time, threading, os, re, and urlib2.
  • Exceptions.
More posts will come. Please be patient ^_^

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